What bees are attracted to on flowers. Find out the few things bees love or dislike and what attracts them to flowers and more.

Why is a bee attracted to a flower?
Firstly they need to forage for food and the colors and aroma from the nectar attract them.
Bees have tiny vibrating hairs that let them find flowers, a new study has shown.
The small hairs are used to sense electric fields coming out of flowers and then use them to find sources of pollen, according to the new research.

The small hairs are used to sense electric fields coming out of flowers and then use them to find sources of pollen, according to the new research.
Even more animals might use the same static electricity-finding hairs to navigate around, according to the University of Bristol researchers behind the study.
Not the fine hairs on its upper thorax of its body. Below

What flowers are bees attracted to most?
Bees are very important for carrying the pollen between flowers.
To encourage bees to visit them, flowers have colorful petals and an attractive scent. Some flowers give the bees a sugary reward called nectar.
The bees love flowers with large open petals to land on and flowers that have tubular shapes and are easier access to the nectar and pollen.
Below is a dark sweat bee on poppy petals.

The most likely colors to attract bees, according to scientists, are purple, violet and blue. Bees also have the ability to see color much faster than humans.
Bees have compound eyes which comprises of 150 and more of lenses.
Note the compound eyes on the side of the head. The bee also has 5 eyes, three which are between the big oval eyes and above the feelers.

The compound eyes help detect the patterns on the flowers and allows them to see with polarized light, which in turn allows them to navigate using the sun even in cloudy days.
Like most insects bees 5 eyes help detect changes in the light intensity.
For more info on the anatomy of a bee and to read about how different parts work click this link. The Anatomy of the Honey Bee.
How do bees know which flowers to pollinate?
They smell the aroma of the nectar flow of the flowers. Also if its coffee flowers they obtain some of the caffeine drug in the nectar that enables them to remember where to go back to pollinate. click this link to read about this. Coffee flowers give bees a Buzz.

What plants do bees love?
Because they have good color vision, bees flock to flowers that are blue, purple, white, and yellow. On this farm there is plenty of yellow cosmos and sunflowers.
Any flowers that have the aroma and nectar attraction, the bees will go to.
What color do bees hate?
Bees and wasps instinctively perceive dark colors as a threat.
Wear white, tan, cream, or gray clothing as much as possible and avoid black, brown, or red clothes. Bees and wasps see the color red as black, so they perceive it as a threat.
That is why bee keepers wear white suites.
What smells do bees not like?
Bees also have a distaste for lavender oil, citronella oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, lemon, and lime, essential oils.
While photographing some sweat bees on the poppy flowers. I used some bug repellent made of peppermint and lavender, as there are many small biting bugs and it would be impossible to take a still photo.
Then it was noticed that soon as I came near the flowers they would fly off.
Do bees remember where flowers are?
Yes. They communicate this information to each other via a “bee dance” but also have memories about specific visual.
The aromatic coffee flowers provide this caffeine drug that enables the bees to remember longer.
Honey bees have an extremely acute sense of smell. When there is many flowers in bloom that have an aroma in the air, They get attracted to that. The beekeepers call this a nectar flow.
Do bees know when you kill another bee?
It doesn’t help if you kill an attacking bee. According to the Saguaro National Park guide, a killed bee gives off an “alarm scent” that will only serve to call its hive-mates to the scene of the crime.
They then will attack the person or animal in the area.
Why do beekeepers wear white?
This usually comes from the color of the animals who wish to eat their sweet honey and then they attack a bee’s hive.
A beekeeper can approach and open the hive without the bees becoming defensive and attacking, by wearing a white or cream bee suite.

This would decrease the chances of the beekeeper being attacked/stung. White calms the bees.
If you are going to rob a hive, you don’t want to stand in front of their entrance as the guard bees will protect the hive and come out and sting you.
Why do bees fly in your hair?
The instinct of most creatures is to get defensive or aggressive when they feel trapped.
They therefore fly into your head, accidently getting trapped in your hair.
Do bees remember you?
The honey bees have an extremely acute sense of smell.
The most recognition of the beekeeper was probably done by detecting their odor.
However, there are times that honey bees certainly seem to be able to recognize people by their faces.
There is a green orchard bee that visits me daily and hovers in front of me, flying around and visiting the familiar area.
This Hovering Metallic Green Orchard Bee, on photo below is a daily visitor for me.

Can bees bond with humans?
Bees like the humans who take good care of them. Bees can detect human faces, which means they can recognize, and build trust with their human caretakers.
While harvesting honey on the farm in South Africa. It was noted that some bee hives were fierce and attacked certain people when they approached. They recognize the scent of the human. Probably because they were harvested before and they remember that.
They also are aggressive when there is honey in the hive.
To find plants that do not attract bees, look for those with the opposite bloom characteristics and avoid planting.
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