Wax Collecting by a Honey Bee, on the cedar tree leaves. See video slide of the white wax collected on the leaves in the morning sunshine.
Wax Collecting by a Honey Bee.

These cedar trees leaves are covered in wax to protect the leaves from drying. Photos of these honey bees collecting the white wax that hangs on the leaves first thing in the morning.

Note the small white drips of wax on the leaves, shining in the sun. Did notice that the leaves don’t have wax on later when it gets sunny

The white wax held by the pollen baskets of the bees hind legs, shiny little clumps of wax.

A better picture of the wax particles and accumulation of wax in the pollen baskets. They will probably use this wax as a propolis mixture.
The cedar trees do not produce flowers, but does have sap, and wax. The wax is what covers the leaves of the tree, so it doesn’t dry out.
A video slide of the bee foraging on the cedar leaves.
View more on this honey bee collecting wax from a cedar tree leaves.
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