Pollen and the Bees and photos of honey bees with full pollen baskets on their legs as they pollinate cosmos flowers in the garden and return to the hive.

Pollen and the Bee
Bees are so important to human life, as they pollinate all plants and crops and flowers.
Pollen is on the stamen of the plant, waiting for the wind and bees and insects to collect and pollinate all flowers.
Below garden cosmos flowers.

The honey bee carrying pollen in its pollen basket on the legs. Full of lovely bright orange pollen.

The honey bee on the flower and fully packed pollen baskets on the legs.

More pollen collecting in the pollen basket of the bees legs. They continue until they need to go
back to the hive. The color of the pollen depends on the color of the flowers pollen.

Bee flying around seeking more pollen. They collect he pollen as its filled with plenty vitamins
and minerals for feeding new larvae brood, mixed with honey or royal jelly.
The honey bee is very interesting and the bee has many duties, and can adapt to them.

Amazing to view these wonderful clever little bees working on the flowers and full of pollen.

They go back to their hive and other worker bees take the pollen from them and fill the comb
cells, for storage for feeding the young.

A closer view of plant pollen and bee and its pollen basket.

Honey bee searching with its long tongue for nectar.
Another pollinator the Bumble Bee
A Bumblebee has more hairier body coverage and they will collect large amounts of pollen all
over their hair, they don’t poses pollen baskets to collect pollen. This way they are messy pollinators.
But large enough to vibrate some plants that need it to release more pollen and in this way producers more fruit.

A honey bee on a sun flower in the garden, note the pollen dropped or shaken on the sun flower leaves.

There is of course different color pollen as it depends on the color of the pollen on the plants.
As below, white pollen.

Home bees with white pollen in their pollen baskets on their legs, taking it into their hive.

The Metallic Blue green Mason Bee
All its pollen collecting on the lower abdomen of the bee.

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