Picture Gallery, of My collection of photos of beautiful flowers, bees foraging. As well as different species of bees and beehives. Flowers and honey.
- Honey Bees
- Leaf Cutter Bees
- Carpenter Bees
- Sweat Bees
- Bumble Bees
- Green Orchard Bee
- Mason Bee
- Stingless Bee
- Beehives and Bee Hotels
Click on the links to take you to the photos of your choice.
These photos display a few different species, found in Ecuador. The Honey Bee and the different Leaf Cutter Bees. Large black Carpenter Bees and Bumble Bees. Tiny different color Sweat Bees and the glistening Green Orchard Bee. The amazing beautiful Blue Mason Bee. The Stingless Bee and many other insects and of course flowers the bees love on the farm.
The Beehives and Bee Hotels, in the fields and catching fields. Photos of the bees predators and the pests in the hives.
Honey Bees

Leaf Cutter Bees
Carpenter Bees
Sweat Bees

Bumble Bees

Green Orchard Bee
Stingless Bee
Mason Bee
Other Insects
Bees Predators and Pests

Collecting White wax from cedar leaves, a honey bee.
A leaf cutter Bee on cosmos flowers
A Black bumble bee on cosmos flowers
A Busy Leaf cutter bee with Pollen.
A Carpenter Bee on sunflowers.
Pollen faced Honey Bee.