Patchwork Leafcutter Bee found in Ecuador on our cosmos flowers. A bee that is one of the number of small solitary bees found.

Patchwork Leaf Cutter Bee.
This species is 1,3 cm long, a very small leafcutter bee species. Normally found between April to August.

A Patchwork Leafcutter Bee is a solitary leaf cutter bee.
Patchwork Leafcutter Bees nest in holes in plant stems, dead wood, cliffs and old walls. Can be seen in the gardens.

When they make their nests they particularly love roses petals and cut their leaves in a circular motions. Its then stuck with saliva to the round tubular nest to divide the cells. The nest is made of leaves. Their larva live in this nest eating the pollen mix provided for them. After they have eaten the food they pupate and hibernate until after winter.
They hatch a full grown patchwork leaf cutter bee, start the life cycle over. The bee also lives only off pollen and honey. Does not provide honey or wax.
This leafcutter bee species nests exactly like the other leaf cutter bees, like red and dark leafcutter bee. Some of the bee species found in Ecuador.
How to Identify the bee.
The leafcutter bee is dark small bee, similar to the larger dark leaf cutter bee. Underneath its abdomen is yellow or orange hairs.
Pollen is carried on these hairs. You can be very lucky to see them carrying a cut piece of leaf or rose petals, as they are quit fast.

A patchwork leafcutter small bee in flight.

This bee looks a bit stubby, but cute.
Other species of leafcutter bees below.
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