Orchid Bee Collecting Fragrances. A shiny metallic green orchid bee is known for a peculiar habit of collecting fragrances with long tongue.

Orchid Bee Collecting Fragrances
Things you might not know.
Why are bees attracted to my perfume?
In addition, if the scent of sunscreen, perfumes, lotions or hair products is overly saccharine (has a sweetness resemblance), there is a chance it may attract bees.
Can bees remember your scent?
“Bees can be trained in a few minutes,” Soares says. Like dogs, they respond to rewards: Give them a sweet treat and associate that with a certain smell a few times, and they’ll continue to fly toward the smell afterward. If the bees recognize a scent, they’ll fly towards it.
Can orchid bees sting?
Do orchid bees sting? Female orchid bees, like the rest of the aculate Hymenoptera, have a sting apparatus, which evolved from modified ovipositor structures. Although quite painful, people rarely get stung by orchid bees, mainly because orchid bees are solitary and do not aggressively defend their nests.
The orchid bees are all members of the family Apidae, and the tribe Euglossini. They are the size of a honey bee but are brightly colored with a metallic sheen. They have a long tongue, (proboscis)

The above green orchid bee visited me every day, sat on the arm chair.

This orchid bee seemed to be licking or disposing of some fluid that ran down his tongue. (proboscis)

Orchid flowers produce scents that attract certain bees that are big enough for pollination. (those that have long tongues as well) The orchid flower will go as far as producing a flower that mimics a female orchard bee for attraction. Orchids will then affix a pollinarium(a pollen ball) to the bee. Which is carried to another orchid of the same species for pollination.
Being a male bee this would be stuck anywhere on the body. As Female Orchid Bee will have less of enlarged tibiae and hairs will collect pollen in her pollen baskets.
Their known area .
Orchard bees are native to areas from Mexico to southern america. This one was found near southern Ecuador, South America. Near Vilcabamba, Loja.
Description of the Orchid Bee.
A male Euglossa dilemma, has its green metallic coloring and long tongue. Brush like front tarsi, and enlarged hind tibiae. Note the photo below that shows the large tibiae. They have holes in the outer tibiae to provide the storage of the fragrant scents or compounds collected from the environment. Which is stored in a sponge like material inside of the tibiae.

The green orchid bee is very charismatic and is not shy to hover in front of you for a few seconds. This one actually sat on my finger. After some information was sort out it was presumed that he was interested in the essential oils that was obviously on my hands. The mix that was used had cinnamon essential oils in. They do get attracted to some oils and smells, including bad ones.

This orchid bee was obtaining fragrances by putting out his tongue and then lifting up the body and placing it in the hind tibiae. Left a wet mark on the chair and did this for a while.

How they nest.
The orchid bee is a solitary bee but is related to social bees in the family. May show some social instinct by nesting in communal places. –> view its habits and life cycle
common name: green orchid bee
Scientific name: Euglossa dilemma Friese (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Another post about the green orchid bee.
Save the bees and view all the species found here in Ecuador.
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