Metallic Sweat Bees Forage on Roses. Tiny metallic green sweat bees were found busily foraging on open roses in the garden.

Metallic green sweat bees forage on roses.
These tiny colorful metallic green or blue sweat bees sometimes are found on the window sill of the kitchen window dead. They get caught up and can not get out. Was curious to know why until a walk in the garden and on the opened roses saw them foraging.
They are really tiny that on first sight you would not know they are bees. Glistening in the sunlight going about their business of finding food. There always seems to be a few of them that work together.
Some photos of the dead metallic green sweat bee found in the windows dead. below.
Dead sweat bees
Note that the abdomen is more metallic blue and the thorax is metallic green. Therefore its hard to say its a green sweat bee.

Full of dirt and grit from the window sill where it died with a few other sweat bees.

The photo below shows you the small sweat bee with a dead orchard bee also a metallic green bee. View and learn about the orchard bee here.
They were caught in the window and didn’t get out.

Roses and sweat bees.
Open roses in the garden that the tiny sweat bees were foraging on. The open roses give the bees better place to forage and of course that wonderful aroma that is given off.
Learn more about What bees are attracted to on flowers.

The little bee glistening in the sun while it forages on the roses for nectar and obtains pollen.

Above you can see two green metallic sweat bees on the open roses.

Are Sweat Bees Dangerous?
Sweat bees are great pollinators and are not a threat to people. The sweat bees are very placid bees. Be kind to all bees as they are an important key to our life and future for ever.
View more about the different species of Sweat Bees here.
There are more than 40 thousand species of sweat bees. They are mostly found in USA and South America. These are found in Ecuador Loja province.
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