Honey Cough Mixture Remedy recipe is an old Home Remedy for your coughs and sore chests. Honey will soothe the throat an fight infections.

Honey Cough Mixture Remedy
A Honey Cough Mixture Remedy recipe is an old Home Remedy for your coughs and sore chests and throats. Pure Honey will soothe the throat an fight infections. This remedy works very well with bronchitis chest coughs. It’s amazing. Tried and tested by ourselves. Organic pure honey and Lennon products and vinegar to make this home based remedy. Really is healthy and will sooth those coughs and chest coughs. Easy to make and stores well in a cool cupboard.
What do you mix with honey for a cough?
Honey alone is an effective cough suppressant, It soothes the throat and being a natural antibiotic will help with irritations and infections. It does help with upper respiratory infections. This old remedy mixture uses natural ingredients and is very effective.
How do you stop a severe cough fast?
The warmth of a warm tea or lemon grass tea with a teaspoon of honey in will soothe the throat that is raw and irritated from coughing. Warm fluids also help to loosen up mucas making it easier to cough up.
Why does honey and lemon help a cough?
Lemon is known to be an anesthetic, honey is antimicrobial and an anti-inflammatory which helps fight infections and reduces swelling. It thickness and texture is known to line the of the throat and creates a protective barrier. Which soothes the irritated cough in no time.
The ingredients
- Organic Pure Honey.

2. Lennon products.

Turlington 20 ml bottle

Borsdrupples 20 ml bottle

Peppermint 20 ml bottle
3. Vinegar.

Fill half your bottle with pure organic honey (not Irradiated).
Irradiated means that it has been treated by heat. Even treated by exposure to radiation. This destroys the beneficial enzymes and other microorganisms. Also effects honey composition.

Use lennon products from local store in South Africa. Pour one of each of the complete bottle in honey mixture.
The three Lennon Ingredients.
1. one bottle of turlington drops. (used for colds and flu, as well as bronchitis)
2. one bottle of borsdruppels drops. (used for colds and flu, and croup)
3. one bottle of peppermint drops. (stomach ailments and flatulence)
How To.
Fill half a honey glass jar with organic honey and then lennon products and stir in the mixture, then top up the jar with vinegar, stir well. keep in cool cupboard.
Recommended dosage.
Take a teaspoon of cough mixture as required.
Adults 1 – 2 tsp. three times a day. For bad cough.
Tried and tested ourselves. I can vouch for this recipe. Even if you have a sore throat, it will sort it out in a day.
(click on the highlighted PDF or image for the printable)
Print out this Honey Cough Mixture Recipe page here. —-> PDF printable

Honey tip.
For stomach upsets, A teaspoon of pure organic honey, soothes and calms stomach. Use a teaspoon of honey for sore throats, it is a natural antibiotic and will sooth that throat in minutes.
Learn about lennon products and their uses on the link.
For more organic HONEY remedies and DIY daily uses see these.
- 80 reasons to use organic honey and printable.
- Best Honey apple cider vinegar drink
- A Honey-Loly Pop remedy recipes
- Honey for allergies
- Another recipe for Honey for colds. (no use of lennon products)
- As well as Honey Drink for Sinus
- More Honey and Cinnamon recipe
- Daily Honey for Health printable
- Get your Honey for Sugar Chart printable
Honey is a natural antibiotic, use it. Very good for your Gut as well.