Honey Bees defend a Beehive. The honey bees come together to clean and defend their beehive from any dirt or predators, photos included.

Honey Bees defend a Beehive
In our home garden we have a small swarm that was rescued, therefore I was able to witness how
they clean and defend their hives.

First noticed that the swarm came out and was flying in the front of the hive.
First thing we thought was, whats going on are they wanting to leave.
Then noticed that a few honey bees where pulling something out of the hive entrance.

It was about 2 to 3 inches long. A honey bee or two was pulling this web like string, and pulled it off of the landing.
Flew off with it and dropped to the ground.

The Bees dropped the debris on the tiles of the roof.

Bees all attacking and trying to move it. The honey bees always work together, probably the guard bees.

Pulling the debris over and off of the roof to take it away from the hive.

The honey bee battled to release itself from the debris eventually taken to the ground.
Then flew up back to the hive.

The hive then calmed down and carried on working and foraging for food.

This is what the web like string looks like. The hive will be inspected to see what is going on inside.
Maybe something tried to make the hive its home.
But suspect it could be wood borer in a frame. Will check on the hive and report.
The anatomy of the honey bee and the life cycle of the honey bee is detailed on another page.
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