Honey Bee swarm arriving. Including photos of their communication dance on the landing of the beehive and some information of their duties.

Honey Bee Swarm Arriving.
The swarm arrived to the empty boxes left at the house. The boxes were dotted with lemongrass essential oils for distribution to the fields and blue gum trees to attract and catch new swarms.
It attracts the bees by producing the feremone smell of the queen bee.

Close up of a Bee
Good to see the bees close up as they investigate the new box they will stay in. Not aggressive at all.

Bees looking in and out of the box as well as Inspecting the box very well. Doing their dance of communication of where the food is available to forage.

Bee Duties
A scout honey Bee, or a few honey bees duties are scout bees and their aim is to fly around and look for food and then seek new places to bring the colony of bees to stay.
Sometimes it’s after the eggs have hatched and they swarm off as there is to many bees and more than one queen in the hive.
Then the scout bees will go back to the original hive or where the queen and a swarm, that surround the queen are hanging. Sometimes swarms fly off and hang in tree branches or fences, as they were on route to their new home.
Bring them back to the hive and space they found for them to make a home.
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