Different Honey Bee Species. So many different honey bees species, but only 8 species are recognized with many other subspecies of honey bees.

Different honey bee species
Carniolans Honey Bee
On the farm I had noticed that there were a dark honey bee and a more Golder striped honey bee. Here in South America Ecuador two different color honey bees have been found, that I have seen.

Above is the darker honey bee.

Above the more yellow or Golder striped one with dark tail end.
Although they are the same race or species they are different in color. They are called Carniolans, honey bee species. (actually found that they are Africanized honey bee species.) Also a sub species of the Western Honey Bee. (Apis mellifera capensis)
Many species of honey bee have different temperaments.
According to stats this Carniolans species has Pro and Cons.
Carniolans Honey Bee Species.
The Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) is a subspecies of Western honey bee. The best bee for cold climates and also known as one of the calmest bees is The Carniolan.

Best honey producing bee.
Is the Carniolan honey bee.
Pros for these bees are;
They limit their growth of population in the fall so there is fewer mouths to feed in the cold season. Making them live through the long cold season.
Also they are very gentle bees.
Cons of theses bees are;
The colonies have a higher tendency to swarm of during the new swarm hatching in spring.
The Carniolans honey bees are very sensitive to the drought and nectar and pollen shortages. This makes them breed less and the hive is not that strong.
Seven types of honey bees are:
- Black dwarf honey bee (Apis andreniformis)
- Red dwarf honey bee (Apis florea)
- Giant honey bee (Apis dorsata)
- Eastern honey bee (Apis cerana)
- Western honey bee (Apis mellifera)
- Koschevnikov’s honey bee (Apis koschevnikovi)
- Philippine honey bee (Apis nigrocincta).
The best bee for pollination
Is The Caucasian, thanks to its super long tongue that can reach into the deepest flowers for foraging. view the honey bees anatomy here on this link.
The Caucasian wisent (Bison bonasus caucasicus) or dombay (домбай) was a subspecies of European bison that inhabited the Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Europe.

This bee has more gold and black stripes all the way down the abdomen.
Many ask is there a King Bee?
There are no king bees only the drone honey bee, A honeybee queen is the single most important bee in a colony, as she produces the population in a colony. Male honey bees are only capable to mate within seven to 10 times before it dies from mating. They are the Drone bee. (view their life cycle here)
Luckily we live near the equator and we do not have cold winter climates and our climates are more stable. But do have a rainy season which is in summer but the winter season is quit warm.
Other honey bee posts to view.
- Foraging honey bees on flowers
- Queen Bees life cycle and royal jelly
- Bees foraging on wild flowers
- Bees pollinate aromatic coffee flowers
- South African Honey Bees pollinate blueberries
- Wax collecting by a honey bee
- Honey bees return home
- Honey bee forages wax on leaves of a cedar tree.
- The Honey bees pollinating blossoms
- Pollen faced honey bee on cosmos
And many more, to view and learn about.
What about the Africanized Honey Bee Species in Ecuador
There are also a few different species of bees other than the honey bee to learn and view on this site.
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