Buff Tailed Bumblebees on cosmos. The bumblebees are known to sleep in flowers on petals, then this one was caught clinging to the petals.
Vilcabamba Ecuador South America Bee Life
Garden Cosmos and SA Bumblebee Foraging.
Garden Cosmos and SA Bumblebee Foraging. A sub family of a bumblebee called hairy footed plumipes bee out foraging on the cosmos flowers.
South American Bumblebee Nesting
South American Bumblebee Nesting. In Ecuador these bees make there nests in old walls and bricks, called hairy footed plumipes bees.
Pollination of Passion Fruit Flowers
Pollination of Passion Fruit Flowers done either by hand or the bumblebee and the carpenter bee, as well as other bees species.
A Bumblebees Life Cycle
A Bumblebees Life Cycle. Bumblebees are social creatures and have an interesting lifecycle as the queen nests while helped by her workers.
What Bees Live in Bee Hotels
Who Lives in Bee Hotels. Bee hotels are provided for bees to use as breeding places by cavity-nesting solitary bee species.