Honey Bee swarm arriving. Including photos of their communication dance on the landing of the beehive and some information of their duties.
South Africa Bee Life
Busy Honey Bees
Busy Honey Bees in South Africa and home photos of them finding a hive and protecting their own hive of…
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New Honey Bee Swarm Arrival
New Honey Bee Swarm Arrival video and arrival of the queen. Showing how they look and enter the beehive but first hang as a swarm and filter in slowly.
New Bee Swarm South Africa
New Bee Swarm South Africa and photos, a description of them as well as them entering bee hives and honey bees all coming together.
A Swarm Rescued
A Swarm Rescued and information about the rescue of a small Swarm. With pictures and descriptions of what takes place as its done.
The Motto of a Beekeeper
The Motto of a Beekeeper is a great saying for all beekeepers for them to be successful and to be a Bee lover or they wont succeed.