Africanized Honey Bee species in Ecuador. Honey bees from South Africa are similar as the honey bees in Ecuador according to stats.
South Africa Bee Life
All Bees love Eucalyptus flowers
All Bees love Eucalyptus flowers, called the blue gum tree flowers. When they start flowering many bees go forage and produce tasty honey.
Honey Bees Pollinate Blueberries
Honey Bees Pollinate Blueberries. The blueberries were pollinated successfully by the bees, with supplement feeding from The Beekeeper. The blue…
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The Anatomy of the Honey Bee
This page will provide a interested bee keeper with the photo of the honey bee anatomy and explanation of the varies parts and how they work in detail.
Life on the Wax Comb
The duties and the life of bees on the wax comb, with description of uses as a multipurpose storage unit. It is hexagonal in shape and called cells.
The Duties of the Honey Bee
Here is describing the Duties and life cycle for the Worker Honey Bee, and pictures of the queen bee and honey bee on a comb.