A Leafcutter Bee on Cosmos Flowers with a video slide of photo’s. This dark leafcutter foraging on flowers showing pollen abdomen.
Leaf Cutter Bee
Nest Building Red Leafcutter Bee
Nest Building Red Leafcutter Bee carries pieces of leaves to the nest, has an encounter with a wasp. Eventually seals nest with small leaves, tightly.
Red Leafcutter Bees Nest.
Red Leafcutter Bees Nest that was nestled in the lavender plant leaves. Bound by spider webs, and the red leafcutter bee foraging on flowers.
Bee Species In Ecuador
Bee Species In Ecuador, found in our home gardens. Amazing how many species are foraging on flowers and some small and larger.
How to Identify a Bee
How to Identify a Bee, key things to look out for as there is many insects that mimic bees. Therefore a few basics are named with photo’s.
A Leaf Cutter Bee on flowers
A Leaf Cutter Bee on flowers in the morning sun, photos of the bee foraging and collecting pollen on hairy…
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