Honey Bee on Tiny Flowers, that are a great attraction with their sweet nectar aroma. The bee has pollen on…
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Honey Bee
A Busy Honey Bee Foraging on Cosmos Flowers
A Busy Honey Bee Foraging on Cosmos Flowers. A video shows you how they turn all ways to get to the nectar gathering pollen in their leg baskets.
Cosmos Flowers and Busy Honey Bees
This page shows the busy honey bees collecting pollen from cosmos flowers and storing pollen in its pollen baskets on their legs.
The Bees Predators
The bees predators, like spiders hide on and below petals of the flowers to capture their prey, being a predator of the bee or other insects.
The Drone Honey Bee
This page will show photos of the Drone honey bee, describing its anatomy and its duties within the hive and to the Queen bee.
The Anatomy of the Honey Bee
This page will provide a interested bee keeper with the photo of the honey bee anatomy and explanation of the varies parts and how they work in detail.