Passion Flowers Attract Honey Bees as they do have an aroma and produce large amounts of pollen and they also forage for nectar.
Carniolans, honey bee
Different Honey Bee Species
Different Honey Bee Species. So many different honey bees species, but only 8 species are recognized with many other subspecies of honey bees.
Spider Catches a Bee for Prey
Spider Catches a Bee for Prey. Spiders may lay under petals or wait for the right time to catch a bee or insect on flowers.
Honey Bee forages wax on Leaves
Honey Bee forages wax on Leaves of the Cedar tree. White Wax foraged by honey bee on cedar leaves, photos of bees pollen basket filled with white wax.
Bee Species In Ecuador
Bee Species In Ecuador, found in our home gardens. Amazing how many species are foraging on flowers and some small and larger.
Pollen Faced Honey Bee on Cosmos
Pollen Faced Honey Bee on cosmos flowers. Collecting pollen madly, photos of pollen all over the body hairs, including the honey bee Face.