Busy Honey Bees in South Africa and home photos of them finding a hive and protecting their own hive of bees by stinging a foreign bee.
Busy Honey Bees
Bees Arriving to look at the potential boxes for their homes. A picture that has sun shining on the bees caught in flight.
Once they settled in the box they began to work and they were very busy in and out of the hive.
Close up of Honey Bees home inspection.
The bees inspect the hives and do their communication dance with all the bees on the landing of the beehive.
Some honey bees having a conversation on the landing. They are really comical and are really not dangerous at this stage when you observe them.
Bees giving off information about things.
They do dancers to communicate to others what is happening about food situation and distance to food source.
The turn around and around.
Just look at those bee faces, they seem to be looking at us wondering what we looking at. Big eyes behind that mask.
Fighting Bees
Different swarms of bees fight with each other, to protect their hives. they sting each other dead.
Each bee carries the smell of their hive and that is what tells them apart.
Bees fighting with each other, they are from different swarms.
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