Body of Dead Blue Mason Bee Photo’s. This beautiful dead blue bee with information and showing its amazing anatomy and wings. (Osmia lignaria)
Body of Dead Blue Mason Bee.
Note the colors in the light as well as the blue bee’s hairy legs and wings hanging, as it was found dead on its back.
These Blue mason Bees kept getting lost in the house and end up dying in the window, but they get rescued when found.
Most interesting face of metallic green, blue bee and big black eyes with its antenna’s and wings hanging.
Hairy thorax as well.
A view from the front of this blue bee face.
This is a photograph from the top to emphasize its beautiful coloring and magnificent pair of wings.
Another view of this mason bee. Being able to view the beautiful color of the metallic green blue it is known for.
This is its abdomen, thorax and face and wings.
So pretty and two pairs of wings that are held together by barbs, which make the wings very strong.
In this view you can see its feelers and hairy legs and the total body of the blue mason bee or orchard bee.
They say they are wonderful pollinators as they collect a huge amount of pollen. As the pollen sticks to their body and not like the baskets of the honey bee, which is made up of hairy hind legs.
In this way the mason bee is a very messy pollinator and does work longer and harder than a honey bee.
Even in the slightly colder weather.
What a wonderful beautiful blue bee, and its metallic green blue colors.
Rear view of this beautiful blue bee. Note how metallic the coloring is.
I feel so sad that the bee was found dead, we are passionate about the bees and have a few beehives.
For more information on the mason bee, and the life cycle of the mason bee. What its habits are and how they breed and live.
A video slides of blue bee foraging on flowers.
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