Africanized Honey Bee species in Ecuador. Honey bees from South Africa are similar to the honey bees in Ecuador according to stats.

Africanized Honey Bee species in Ecuador
Being a south african citizen and now living in Ecuador, Loja province have witnessed that the honey bees are the same as south african honey bees.
Below is a Ecuador honey bee.

South African cape honey bee.
We had an apiary of honey beehives, consisting of 220 hives that had at least two to three supers on and we harvested honey.

Being a keen beekeeper and photographer and interested in the life and cycles and habits of these amazing creatures it was notice that they have the same markings and behavior.
Established Bee Swarms on Farm

On research found that this “Apis mellifera scutellata ” honey bee found in lowland of east Africa is a subspecies and classified as the western honey bees. Which is native to central southern and eastern Africa. In the South of Africa, western cape it is called the cape honey bee.
Below is a Cape Honey Bee from South Africa.

Being from the south western cape of south africa, where the fynbos flower belt grows is where you would find the cape honey bee. (Apis mellifera capensis).

Yet it is said that they do differ reproductively.
” Apis mellifera scutellata (the “African” honey bee of the Americas). Reproductively, Cape bees differ significantly from, Apis mellifera scutellata and other honey bee races. Making it perhaps the most distinctive race of A. mellifera worldwide.”
View; Cape Honey Bees, Apis mellifera capensis Escholtz
According to a short history on the bees, the Africanized honey bee arrived in southern America or Ecuador as early as 1980 s. They have been here for quit a while.
Ecuador South American honey bees

Foraging Honey Bees in Ecuador Above.
This confirms that the markings are the same and their temperament are the same. But, I feel that their temperament differs when they have honey in their hives or when the swarm is large.

I followed a rescued swarm here in Ecuador, Loja, Vilcabamba. That was placed at our home and was able to photograph them easily. Until the swarm had grown to a large swarm and then they got defensive. They were rehomed to the farm.

Above photo shows you the honey bees that were rehomed on the farm from the house area. Some flew back to the house twice. Here we show you feeding them, to regain some strength.
The two honey bees from two different countries. Below.

There is the other species of honey bee that have a darker marking.

Save all bees as they all do a job for our survival by pollinating.
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