A Red Leafcutter Bee Pollinating pretty yellow cosmos flowers, as well as a close up of the red bee and its amazing furry thorax and anatomy.

Taking photos of the bees I couldn’t believe what I saw, this shiny fur on the thorax of the bee, on a close up saw it was a red bee.
A Red Leafcutter Bee Pollinating.
This Red Leafcutter Bee pollinating the beautiful flowers. Its abdomen hairs were full of yellow pollen from the cosmos flower.
They do have a lot of hairs on the lower abdomen, as they do not have hairy legs like a honey bee, which collects pollen in its pollen baskets.
The Red Leafcutter Bee arrived to seek food on these yellow flowering cosmos and didn’t have pollen
on its abdomen hairs on the lower body. Note the shiny fur on its thorax, upper body.

The bee started searching for nectar and its shiny fur glistened in the sun like silver threads.
Notice those large eyes on the side of its face and feelers.

Working very hard searching through the flowers and obtaining pollen while it is about it.
Note on the lower abdomen hairs the pollen is starting to collect.

An close up of the bee, showing its furry upper thorax and large eyes and wings and those
slightly furry legs.

The eyes, as you can see on the side giving the bee a 360 deg vision.

A view from behind showing the red abdomen of this bee.

Showing its total glory of this bee. See the pollen starting to collect on hairs underneath.

Note the hind legs do not have pollen baskets as the honey bee does to collect pollen.

A good photo of the pollen collected on the lower abdomen of the red leafcutter bee.

Learn about the red leafcutter bees life cycle.
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