A Native Blue Bee on Cosmos flowers in South America Ecuador. There are a surprising number of species of bees found, colorful and they love cosmos.
A Native Blue Bee on Cosmos flowers
In South America Ecuador, we have found a great number of species of bees. Not only some honey bees but other species.
Bee species found.
Many smaller bees like sweat bees that are metallic green or blue and even black. Some other bees like this native blue bee. Also blue mason bees which are the same size as a honey bee. There is bumblebees and carpenter bees.
This blue bee could be a mason bee, but still to properly identify it. It is not as small as a sweat bee. They are tiny and are a fraction the size of a honey bee. (view the size comparison here)
This bee was quit busy obtain nectar and pollen and there were a few of them flying around. Amongst them were other species as well, which will be on separate posts and linked to this post.
There are plenty of yellow orange cosmos flowers specially planted for the bees.
So many bee species found on these popular cosmos flowers.
The face of the native blue bee, on the flower.
A close up of the blue bee and the anatomy of its body showing the blue color and the not to smooth and shiny tail end and its dark strong wings.
Another view of this bee, would like to identify it properly. Another photo of A Native Blue Bee on Cosmos flowers.
Some more of this pretty blue bee and its leg just about to move on and of the flower.
Blue bee flying from flower to flower.
It did get site of me photographing it. Note those large dark compound eyes and the antennas and in the middle are the small black dots of her other three eyes.
The view of the rear end of this blue native bee from South America Ecuador.
Obtaining some nectar while foraging and collecting pollen on the hind legs as you can see.
Beautiful and very busy native bees on the large amount of cosmos planted on the farm.
We should all plant flowers and herbs so the bees can have food to forage and continue their breeding of their species.
Other photos and information.
On this site we try to educate you about many species of bees found so you can recognize them and save them. They are all pollinators.
View plenty of photos of different species of bees in the Picture Gallery
Some more posts and photos and information on Blue Bee.
view more about other bees —-> Bee Species and Life cycle and Habits
Save all the bees.
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