A Leafcutter Bee on Cosmos Flowers with a video slide of photo’s. This dark leafcutter foraging on flowers showing pollen abdomen.

A Leafcutter Bee on Cosmos Flowers.
Pretty leafcutter bee on the cosmos flowers collecting nectar and getting full of pollen as well. Pollen sticks on the lower abdomen and in this way they collect quit a lot. Note the underneath of this leafcutter bee, yellow with pollen.

The bee inserting its head into the flower and a good view of its body. Dark body with light stripes and a little wider than a normal bee. Not as large as a honey bee, but have seen some as large as well.

Below is a video slide show of the leafcutter bee going from flower to flower obtaining pollen as it goes.
To read and learn about the leafcutter bee life cycle and photos of how the red leafcutter bee builds a nest. (click link highlighted)
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