A Black Bumble Bee Dies. Found this black bumble bee dying at the bottom of its nest on the floor, alive but not mobile then dies.
A Black Bumble Bee Dies.
The difference between a Bumble Bee and a Carpenter Bee is that the Bumble Bee has a hairy abdomen, as where the Carpenter Bee has a smooth abdomen with no hairs. Is also larger than the Bumble Bee.
Note the hairy abdomen of a black bumble bee that died. She is full of dirt as it was found on the floor dying.
A close up of the face and eyes and nippers as well as hairy body. Her shiny strong wings shine in the sunlight, at the end of the bumble bees life cycle.
A close up of the dead black bumble bee face. See the large black eyes and antennas as well as the other three eyes on top between the antennas.(very dirty from being on the floor)
Place on a log to show her strong wings that have those very strong veins. clearer view of her eyes.
Underneath of her abdomen showing her hairy features. The hairy legs that hold the pollen to fill the nest for new bumble bees hatching.
Abdomen and thorax with hairs and dirt showing this beautiful bumble features and end of her life cycle.
Shiny wings, a close up shows it off.
Face photo and side of the bumble bee abdomen. See those nipper.
So sad to see these beautiful bees die, and found on the floor alive. But she lasted two days. Her life cycle is over and her brood will grow and hatch a full size bumble bee.
We live in San Clemente, Manabi, Ecuador near the ocean and have a garden, Have been watching the black Bumble bees on my maracuya plants doing their jobs. We are Canadians and have been here for 5 years. My youngest daughter has a business in Canada named Backyard Bees where she teaches and mentors home bee keepers in Alberta. Grew up with honey bees in Maine on our potato farm, had many hives and sold the honey to help support the farm.
Thats wonderful, we have quit a few species here. We live near Vilcabamba Loja. inland. We also have maracuya vines and coffee trees. lots of carpenter bees also. we are from south africa and had honey bee apairies there and harvested honey and sold it as well. been here 2 and half years. keep in touch.