Dark Sweat Bee called the alkali bee. There is a few of these tiny dark sweat bees foraging on flowers being photogenic collecting pollen.
Dark Sweat Bee.
The bee is an unusual ground nesting small bee, native to arid land. It is dark with pearl bands on its abdomen. Being a solitary bee nesting in more alkali soils.
Feeds on a variety of flowers and is attracted to the alfalfa plant which it pollinates extremely efficiently. Commercial alfalfa farmers have them and even make nest beds and cultivates the species for the pollination process. Learn more about their life styles. here
A small dark sweat bee on some cosmos flowers.
Seeking nectar and collecting pollen in the process. Very efficient pollinators.
These bees are quit small and can be mistaken for other insects. But are solitary bees that has been found in the garden on flowers.
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