Black Bumble Bee Foraging on Flowers. A video slide of this busy bumble bee foraging on flowers for nectar and collecting pollen.
Black Bumble Bee Foraging on Flowers.
The cosmos flowers are very popular in the garden as they are a pretty open petaled flower. Larger bees such as the carpenter bee and bumble bees can forage for nectar much easier. There was so much photo’s taken that it was decided to make a video slide of photo’s.
This shows the busy bumble bee actions, digging and obtaining nectar. Lots of pollen build up on its legs as well.
The black Bumble Bee foraging on flowers photo’s.
This very smart and quick black bumble bee leaving the flower to go to the next one.
Notice its short round hairy body and dark wings.
Off she goes with lots of pollen on her legs and in search for more nectar.
So many photo’s taken of this pretty bumble bee, enjoy the slides and view more about its life cycle on this link here.
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