80 reasons to use organic honey and printable. More than 80 reasons listed to use honey as a DIY home remedy for better health and good eats.

80 Reasons to use organic honey printable.
click to download the printables here.

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NB: Please take note of the warning not to use honey for babies younger than a year.
Of course organic raw honey is best, and the most effective.
Most honeys bought in the supermarkets have been irradiated or watered down and even mixed. Its safer to buy from a well known beekeeper.
More FREE Printables for honey uses.
Daily Honey for Health Printable
Honey for Sugar chart printable
FREE 2021 Calendar of flowers and bees
Honey remedies and uses.
- The Honey apple cider vinegar drink
- Honey Cough Mixture (using lennon products)
- A Honey Lolly Pop Remedy
- Your Local Honey for allergies
- Another recipe for Honey for colds. (no use of lennon products)
- And Honey Drink for Sinus
- Good Honey and Cinnamon recipe
- Get Honey versus Sugar and the pro’s and cons. Printable.
Organic Honey is best
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