SA Beekeeper is about Bee Species and Life cycle and Habits, with bee keeping maintenance, also with a picture gallery with plenty of photos of flowers that bees forage on, as well as honey uses for your health, honey recipes and remedies. All about the Beekeeper’s.
(click on any highlighted words and headings or photos to view)
SA Beekeeper categories
Bee Species and Life cycle and Habits
In this category we show photos of bee species found on the flowers in South Africa and South America, Ecuador. With information about the species life cycle and their breeding habits as well as photos. Also feature other insects that forage on the flowers for food.

Honey is so naturally healthy if taken organically. This category has honey remedies and printables to download. Also healthy honey recipes and as well as bottling with photos.

Beekeeping Maintenance
Tips are given from the beekeepers as they have experienced it, with bees and beehives, pests and pollination. Harvesting the honey and controlling the pests in the beehives.

We share some ideas and recipes that we found so useful for your health and some honey made remedies. As well as recipes for cooking with honey. For a healthier choice of life. Honey is a powerful natural antibiotic.

Picture Gallery
Photography of many types of flowers in South Africa and South America, Ecuador. Photos of the different bee species and other insects foraging that were found in Ecuador as well as pictures of beehives.

About the Beekeeper’s
Here we tell about the two different countries and their beekeepers. How and where it all began and the love for the outdoors and bee life.

Enjoy our trip with the bee species and discoveries.